Support for international students

Personalised support

Support for international students

The International Relations Office will bring you the necessary support to prepare your arrival and good conditions and will accompany all along your stay depending on your needs. You will benefit from a personalized follow-up thanks to the following services :

You are recommended to arrive during the first week of September to participate to the welcome days for international students. This may help you to be well prepared before the official entry in your class and to support you in the administrative process (presentation and visit of the campus, administrative counseling, meeting with tutors and buddies, socialization event, etc)

You will be informed about the exact date in your letter of admission.


Once you have received your letter of admission, you will be able to apply for an accommodation to the International relations office.

Students can apply for an accommodation through the CROUS (national public organization in charge of student accommodation). The international relations office will send you the application form to be sent back by 1st July at the latest.

CROUS in Compiègne has 3 student residences :

  • Résidence du Parc is at 2-minute walking distance from ESCOM Chimie. It’s generally where most ESCOM Chimie students are living.
  • Résidence Roberval, less than 10 minutes by bus
  • Résidence des Peupliers, less than 10 minutes by bus

To have an overview of the residences, you can click on the description

Rents range from €250 to €370 depending on the residence and type of accommodation. Depending on availabilities, students can choose to live in a independent studio or to share a flat with 3 other students. On arrival, you will have to pay the first rent and a guarantee deposit equivalent to a monthly rent. The deposit will be refunded on departure if the accommodation is cleaned enough.

Accommodation in private residences is also available. They are not managed through our international relations office but we can communicate you some addresses and contacts. Application has to be done directly to the organization concerned. You will probably have to supply a written proof for sufficient resources from a person living preferably in France as a guarantee.

You can contact the international relations office to receive a list of temporary accommodation if you arrive before your accommodation is available.

To learn more about accommodation, see the link Campus/ Vivre sur le Campus

  • Home insurance

Home insurance is compulsory for any type of accommodation you will rent in France.

You can subscribe through your bank in France when opening your bank account or through a private insurance broker or student insurance (SMENO ou LMDE).

The CROUS or owner will require a copy of your insurance certificate the week following your entry in the accommodation.

  • APL – l’Aide Personnalisée au Logement (Social allowance for accommodation)

This a retroactive financial allowance from the French government which will be paid depending on the starting date of your student visa.

You can submit your application on CAF website (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales)

Budget and banque account opening

You can estimate your budget taking into two types of expenses :

  • Regular monthly expenses : about 500 Euros/ month
  • Additional costs : tourism, leisure activities, deposits, taxes…
  • In some cases, students will have to register to the compulsory social security system (approximately 217€/year).

Your installation may require extra costs, so you are recommended to budget more significant expenses for the 1st month (deposit, various subscriptions…)

Opening a bank account

Regardless of the length of your stay, you are recommended to open a bank account during the week of your arrival. A proof of your bank domiciliation and your bank information will be required by different administrations in France. You will be informed about the closest banks.

In France, the currency use is Europ and exchange rates may be applied for any banking operation done with non-European payment card.

Below are general budget estimates that can vary from one student to another :


Monthly budget

 Monthly budget
Student accommodation from 250€ to 380€
Financial aid for acccommodation in particular cases -100€
Other expenses (learning material, clothing, leisure activities, food…) 200€
Expenses for the 1st month 
1st rent + deposit equivalent to 1 month 500€ à 750€
Registration to social security system 217€
Home insurance 30€
Complementary medical cover 95€/350€
Tuition fees (full amout), account will be deducted entre 4200€ et 7150€
Registration to Student Union 60€
OFII taxes (visa)                                                 60€

Administrative formalities for non-European students

To learn more about the process to apply for a visit, please contact the closest French consulate or Embassy in your country of residence.

A letter of admission from ESCOM is necessary to be authorized to submit a visa application.


Depending on the the length of your stay, you will apply for one this visa :

  • Short stay visa (for a period of less than three months)

This visa exempts the holder from applying for a residence permit. It cannot be renewed.

  • Temporary stay visa for studies from 3 to 6 months

The holder is allowed to be registered from 3 to 6 months in a public or private higher education institution. It cannot be renewed and the holder is exempted from applying for a residence permit. He/she is not allowed to stay beyond 6 months on the national territory.

  • Long-term visa for studies (VLS-TS) more than 6 months

The holder is allowed to apply for a residence permit within 2 months after the arrival in France. It can be renewed at the Préfecture of his/her home residence.


Resident permit

Following your arrival in France, the international relations office will inform you about how regularising your stay in France with a residence permit for one year.

From June 1st, 2009 the residence permit has been replaced by a sticker in your passport by Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration (OFII) that you will have to pay 60€.

You will have to undergo a compulsory medical examination organized by UTC.

You will have 2 to 3 months to complete a dossier with the documents below :

  • Document handled by the Embbassy» VISA DE LONG SEJOUR – DEMANDE D’ATTESTATION OFII «
  • Copy of passport, visa and stamp at the arrival in France
  • 1 ID photo (3,5cm x 4,5cm)
  • Residence certificate (which will be given by the CROUS after your arrival)

During your stay at ESCOM, the international relations office will keep you informed about the formalities needed to extend or renew your residence permit depending on your situation at that time.

Before coming to France, you are recommended to bring an original birth certificate together with a sworn translation into French. We recommend you to bring several copies with as well as copies of your passport and visa as you will often have to provide these documents to the administrations.

Health – Medical cover, social security and individual insurance

You will be concerned by a certain type of social security system depending on the length of your stay and your nationality.

Medical coverage – Social security for students staying up to 3 months

You don’t need to register to the French social security system. However, you will have to provide a proof or medical coverage from your home country valid for your whole stay. If not, you will have to register to the French system. Your medical coverage should include at least medical care and hospitalization, repatriation and civil liability.

Medical coverage – Social security for students staying more than 3 months

  • If you are non-European student

Any non-European student registered at ESCOM will have to subscribe to the student national security system, either through LMDE or SMENO (student insurance organizations) for the amount of 217€. The coverage will be valid from September 1st to December 31st the following year. You will have to be covered by a private insurance if you arrive before September 1st.

Subscription forms will be handled during welcoming days.

  • If you are European student

Any European student registered at ESCOM will have to provide an E111 or E128 form or a European Heath Insurance Card. If not, you will have to register to the French system for the amount of 217€.

Subscription forms will be handled during welcoming days.

  • If you are a student from Quebec

If you are a student from Quebec registered at ESCOM as trainee or exchange student within a cooperation agreement, you will need to provide SE40-Q106 form. If not, you will have to register to the French system for the amount of 217€.

Subscription forms will be handled during welcoming days.

Be careful, if you are more than 28 years old, you have to register to Caisse d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM) which is a different organization with specific procedures.

If you are less than 20 years old on September 1st, you will have to register to the student social security but you are exempted from paying the fee.