Publications & conférences

Dernières publications des enseignants chercheurs ESCOM

L’ESCOM Chimie a entrepris de centrer ses activités de recherche en chimie et en génie des procédés en valorisant des technologies respectueuses de l’environnement. Les dernières publications de nos enseignants-chercheurs vous démontrent quelques exemples de leurs travaux.

Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture répertoriées dans les bases de données internationales

2023 - 21 articles

Assaf I., Zhang Z., OTAOLA F., LETURIA M., LUART D., terrasson v.*, GUENIN E.* A continuous flow mode with a scalable tubular reactor for the green preparation of stable alkali lignin nanoparticles assisted by ultrasound. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, vol. 243, article number 125106. ⟨10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125106⟩ (inter-équipes) Q1 (doctorant et post-doc)

DEBS E., ABI-KHATTAR A.-M., RAJHA H.N., ABDEL-MASSIH R.M., ASSAF J.-C., KOUBAA M., MAROUN R.G., AND LOUKA N. (2023). Valorization of olive leaves through polyphenol recovery using innovative pretreatments and extraction techniques: An updated review. Separations. 10(12), 587. ⟨ (collaboration internationale – Maroc)

EL HAGE, M., LOUKA, N., REZZOUG, S.-A., MAUGARD, T., SABLÉ, S., KOUBAA, M., DEBS, E., MAACHE-REZZOUG, Z. (2023). Bioethanol Production from Woody Biomass: Recent Advances on the Effect of Pretreatments on the Bioconversion Process and Energy Yield Aspects. Energies,16(13). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/en16135052⟩ Q1 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

EL HAJJ, R., MHEMDI, H., BESOMBES, C., LEFRANCOIS, V., ALLAF, K., VOROBIEV, E. (2023). Instant controlled pressure-drop assisted pressing for defatting and dewatering of yellow mealworm larvae: process study and optimisation. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed,9(6) 761-779. ⟨DOI. 10.3920/JIFF2022.0062⟩ Q2 (doctorant) (collaboration nationale – Université de La Rochelle)

EL HAJJ, R., MHEMDI, H., FAYEULLE, A., CORJON, L., LEFRANCOIS, V., ALLAF, K., VOROBIEV, E. (2023). Use of instant controlled pressure drop technology for the preservation of edible insects’ (yellow mealworm) quality: assessment of microbial inactivation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, . ⟨DOI. 10.1007/s11356-023-26030-4⟩ Q2 (doctorant) (inter-équipes) (collaboration nationale – Univ. La Rochelle)

EL HAJJ, R., MHEMDI, H., KARAMOKO, G., KAROUI, R., ALLAF, K., LEBOVKA, N., VOROBIEV, E. (2023). Impact of pulsed electric field treatment on the viability of Tenebrio molitor insect biomass, and on the following pressing and drying processes. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,89. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.ifset.2023.103462⟩ Q1 (doctorant) (collaboration nationale – Univ. La Rochelle + Univ. Artois)

Hadidi M., Bahlaouan B., Antri S.E., BENALI M., Boutaleb N.* Biotransformation of food waste to bio-products: biogas and biofertilizer. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 2023, 80 (3), pp. 672-686 ⟨10.1080/00207233.2022.2096953⟩ (collaboration internationale – Maroc)

HAIDAR, E., LAKKIS, J., KARAM, M., KOUBAA, M., LOUKA, N., DEBS, E. (2023). Peanut Allergenicity: An Insight into Its Mitigation Using Thermomechanical Processing. Foods,12(6). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/foods12061253⟩ Q1 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

HONG, J., BOUSSETTA, N., ENDERLIN, G., MERLIER, F., GRIMI, N. (2023). Degradation of herbicide atrazine in water by high voltage electrical discharge in comparison with Fenton oxidation and ultrasound treatments. RSC Sustainability,1(6) 1462-1470. ⟨DOI. 10.1039/d3su00103b⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant) (inter-équipes) (collaboration inter labo – UTC)

Meenakshisundaram S., Calcagno V., Ceballos C., Fayeulle A., Leonard E., Herledan, V. Krafft J.-M., Millot Y., Liu X., Jolivalt C., Pauss A. Chemically and physically pretreated straw in moderate conditions: Poor correlation between biogas production and commonly used biomass characterization. Energies, 2023, vol. 16, article number 1146 ⟨10.3390/en16031146⟩. Q3 (collaboration Sorbonne université)

NEMER, G., LOUKA, N., RABILLER BLANDIN, P., MAROUN, R.G., VOROBIEV, E., ROSSIGNOL, T., NICAUD, J.-M., GUÉNIN, E., KOUBAA, M. (2023). Purification of Natural Pigments Violacein and Deoxyviolacein Produced by Fermentation Using Yarrowia lipolytica. Molecules,28(11). ⟨DOI.  10.3390/molecules28114292 (open access) (doctorant) (inter-équipes)  (collaboration internationale – Liban)

NORAZLIN, A., MUHAMMAD-ADIB, A., WAN-RAZARINAH, W.A.R., ROOHINEJAD, S., KOUBAA, M., RASEETHA, S. (2023). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of green and roasted coffee beans on human oral pathogens. Food Research,7130-138. ⟨DOI. 10.26656/fr.2017.7(S4).17⟩ Q3 (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

Otaola F., MOTTELET S., GUENIN E., LUART D., LETURIA M.* Additive manufacturing of microstructured reactors for organometallic catalytic reactions. Lab on a Chip, 2023, vol 23(4), pp. 702-713 (inter-équipes) (post-doctorant) Q1

RAGHUNATH, S., BUDARAJU, S., GHARIBZAHEDI, S.M.T., KOUBAA, M., ROOHINEJAD, S., MALLIKARJUNAN, K. (2023). Processing Technologies for the Extraction of Value-Added Bioactive Compounds from Tea. Food Engineering Reviews,15(2) 276-308. ⟨DOI. 10.1007/s12393-023-09338-2⟩ Q1 (open access) (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

SAGADEVAN S., ALSHAHATEET S.F., LETT J.A., FATIMAH I., SIVASANKARAN R.P, SIBHATU A.K., LÉONARD E., LE M-V., SOGA T. Highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye over Ag2O nanoparticles under solar light irradiation. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2023, 148, 110288. Q2 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

SAGADEVAN S., FATIMAH I., LETT J.A., RAHMAN MD. Z., LÉONARD E., OH W-C. Eco-friendly green approach of nickel oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Open Chemistry. 2023, 21(1), Q3 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

SAGADEVAN S., RAHMAN MD Z., LÉONARD E., LOSIC D., HESSEL V. Sensor to Electronics Applications of Graphene Oxide through AZO Grafting. Nanomaterials (Basel), 2023, 24;13(5):846. doi: 10.3390/nano13050846. Q1 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

SAGADEVAN S., SIVASANKARAN R.P., LETT J.A., FATIMAH I., WELDEGEBRIEAL G.K., LÉONARD E., LE M-V., SOGA T. Evaluation of Photocatalytic Activity and Electrochemical Properties of Hematite Nanoparticles Symmetry, 2023, 15(6), 1139; Q2 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie, Vietnam, Japon)

Wang W., Lemaire R., Bensakhria A., Luart D. : Thermogravimetric analysis and kinetic modeling of the co-pyrolysis of a bituminous coal and poplar wood; Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, vol. 58, pp. 53-68 , Q2 (interéquipe) (collaboration internationale Cananda)

Zhang Z., Besserer A., Rose C., Brosse N., Terrasson V., GUENIN E. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Pd Nanoparticles into Wood Block (Pd@wood) as Efficient Catalyst for 4-Nitrophenol and Cr(VI) Reduction. Nanomaterials, 2023, vol. 3(17), article number 2491 ⟨10.3390/nano13172491⟩ Q1 (collaboration nationale Université Nancy)

ZHANG Z., LEFEVRE C., SOMERVILLE S. V., TILLEY R. D., GUENIN E.*, TERRASSON V.*, Pd nanoparticles embedded in nanolignin (Pd@LNP) as a water dispersible catalytic nanoreactor for Cr(VI), 4-nitrophenol reduction and C-C coupling reactions. Int J. Biol. Macromolec., 2023, 254, 127695. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.127695 Q1 (collaboration internationale Australie) biatS

2022 - 29 articles

ABOU DIB, A., ASSAF, J.C., EL KHOURY, A., EL KHATIB, S., KOUBAA, M., LOUKA, N. (2022). Single, Subsequent, or Simultaneous Treatments to Mitigate Mycotoxins in Solid Foods and Feeds: A Critical Review. Foods,11(20). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/foods11203304⟩ Q1 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

AL SAHYOUNI, W., EL KANTAR, S., KHELFA, A., PARK, Y.-K., NICAUD, J.-M., LOUKA, N., KOUBAA, M. (2022). Optimization of cis-9-Heptadecenoic Acid Production from the Oleaginous Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Fermentation,8(6). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/fermentation8060245⟩ Q2 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Liban) ((collaboration nationale – INRAE)

BELGHITH FENDRI, L.B., CHAARI, F., KALLEL, F., KOUBAA, M., ZOUARI-ELLOUZI, S., KACEM, I., CHAABOUNI, S.E., GHRIBI-AYDI, D. (2022). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of polyphenols extracted from pea and broad bean pods wastes. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization,16(6) 4822-4832. ⟨DOI. 10.1007/s11694-022-01547-3⟩ Q2 (collaboration internationale – Tunisie)

Bencheqroun Z., El Mrabet I., Nawdali M., BENALI M., Zaitan H.* Adsorption removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions by raw and chemically activated cedar sawdust, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2021, vol. 240, pp. 177- 190 ⟨10.5004/dwt.2021.27635⟩ (collaboration internationale – Maroc) Q4

EL HAGE, M., RAJHA, H.N., MAACHE-REZZOUG, Z., KOUBAA, M., LOUKA, N. (2022). Intensification of Bioethanol Production from Different Lignocellulosic Biomasses, Induced by Various Pretreatment Methods: An Updated Review. Energies,15(19). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/en15196912⟩ Q2 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

EL HAJJ, R., MHEMDI, H., BESOMBES, C., ALLAF, K., LEFRANÇOIS, V., VOROBIEV, E. (2022). Edible Insects’ Transformation for Feed and Food Uses: An Overview of Current Insights and Future Developments in the Field. Processes,10(5). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/pr10050970⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration nationale – Univ. La Rochelle)

EL KANTAR, S., KOUBAA, M. (2022). Pulsed electric field treatment for the stimulation of microorganisms: Applications in food production. Research in Agricultural Engineering,68(2) 80-92. ⟨DOI. 10.17221/78/2021-RAE⟩ Q1 (post-doc)

EL KANTAR, S., KOUBAA, M. (2022). Valorization of Low-Cost Substrates for the Production of Odd Chain Fatty Acids by the Oleaginous Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Fermentation,8(6). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/fermentation8060284⟩ Q2 (open access) (post-doc)

EL KANTAR, S., RAJHA, H.N., EL KHOURY, A., KOUBAA, M., NACHEF, S., DEBS, E., MAROUN, R.G., LOUKA, N. (2022). Phenolic Compounds Recovery from Blood Orange Peels Using a Novel Green Infrared Technology Ired-Irrad®, and Their Effect on the Inhibition of Aspergillus flavus Proliferation and Aflatoxin B1 Production. Molecules,27(22). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/molecules27228061⟩ Q2 (open access) (post-doc) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

FRANCIS, H., DEBS, E., KOUBAA, M., ALRAYESS, Z., MAROUN, R.G., LOUKA, N. (2022). Sprouts Use as Functional Foods. Optimization of Germination of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Seeds Based on Their Nutritional Content Evolution. Foods,11(10). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/foods11101460⟩ Q1 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

HBIKA A., BOUYANZER A.*, SAADI M., AMMARI L.E., BENALI M., MAJIDI L., GHARIBI E.K., ZARROUK A.* Structural study and thermal stability of Artemetin extracted from Artemisia absinthium L. Chemical Data Collections, 2022, vol. 40, article number 100880 ⟨10.1016/j.cdc.2022.100880⟩ (collaboration internationale – Maroc)

HEBERT, M., SERRA, E., VOROBIEV, E., MHEMDI, H. (2022). Isolation and Purification of Mustard Glucosinolates by Macroporous Anion-Exchange Resin: Process Optimization and Kinetics’ Modelling. Processes,10(2). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/pr10020191⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant)

HONG, J., BOUSSETTA, N., ENDERLIN, G., GRIMI, N., MERLIER, F. (2022). Real-Time Monitoring of the Atrazine Degradation by Liquid Chromatography and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry: Effect of Fenton Process and Ultrasound Treatment. Molecules,27(24). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/molecules27249021⟩ Q2 (doctorant) (inter-équipes) (collaboration inter labo – UTC), biatS

HONG, J., BOUSSETTA, N., ENDERLIN, G., MERLIER, F., GRIMI, N. (2022). Degradation of Residual Herbicide Atrazine in Agri-Food and Washing Water. Foods,11(16). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/foods11162416⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant) (inter-équipes) (collaboration inter labo – UTC)

IYAKARE J.D., TAUPIN J.-D., HITIMANA C.N., DUSABIMANA T., GHALIT M., EL OUAHABI, BENALI M., NGENDO C., GHARIBI E.K.* Hydrochemical study of bottled water in Rwanda and relationship with their origin. Water Supply, 2022, vol. 22(1), pp. 1155–1167 ⟨10.2166/ws.2021.211⟩ (open access) Q4 (collaboration internationale – Maroc)

Ji S., Stricher M., Nadaud F., Guenin E., Egles C., Delbecq F. Solvent-free production by extrusion of biobased poly(glycerol-co-diacids) sheets for the development of bio-compatible and electroconductive elastomer composites. Polymers 2022, vol 14(18), article number 3829. DOI: 10.3390/polym14183829 Q1 (inter laboUTC) biatS

KOTEESWARI P. SAGADEVAN S., FATIMAH I., SIBHATU A.K., RAZAK S.I.A.., LÉONARD E., SOGA T. Green synthesis and characterization of copper oxide nanoparticles and their photocatalytic activity. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2022, 144, 109851. Q2 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

Meenakshisundaram S., Fayeulle A., Léonard E., Ceballos C., Liu X., Pauss A. Combined biological and chemical/physicochemical pretreatment methods of lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol and biomethane energy production – a review. Applied Microbiology, 2022, 2, 716-734 (open access).

MITRI S., SALAMEH S-J., KHELFA A., LÉONARD, E., MAROUN R.G., LOUKA N., KOUBAA M. Valorization of Brewers’ Spent Grains: Pretreatments and Fermentation, a Review. Fermentation, 2022, 8(2) 50. Q2 (collaboration inter-équipes) Q2 (open access) (doctorant et post-doc) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

MITRI, S., KOUBAA, M., MAROUN, R.G., ROSSIGNOL, T., NICAUD, J.-M., LOUKA, N. (2022). Bioproduction of 2-Phenylethanol through Yeast Fermentation on Synthetic Media and on Agro-Industrial Waste and By-Products: A Review. Foods,11(1). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/foods11010109⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban) (collaboration nationale – INRAE)

NEGUI M., ZHANG Z., FOUCHER C., GUENIN E., RICHEL A., JEUX V., TERRASSON V., Wood-Sourced Polymers as Support for Catalysis by Group 10 Transition Metals. Processes, 2022, vol. 10(2), article number 345. Q2 (collaboration internationale Belgique)

OTANI N., FAYEULLE A., NAKANE D., LEONARD E., AKITSU T. Synthesis, Identification and Antibacterial Activities of Amino Acid Schiff Base Cu(II) Complexes with Chlorinated Aromatic Moieties. Applied Microbiology. 2020, 2(2), 438‑448. (collaboration internationale – Japon)

SAGADEVAN S., LETT J.A., ALSHAHATEET S.F, FATIMAH I., WELDEGEBRIEAL G.K., LE M-V., LÉONARD E., PAIMAN S., SOGA T. Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye under direct sunlight irradiation using SnO2 nanoparticles. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2022, 141, 109547. Q2 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

SIVARAMAN C., VIJAYALAKSHMI S., LÉONARD E., SAGADEVAN S. JAMBULINGAM R. Current Developments in the Effective Removal of Environmental Pollutants through Photocatalytic Degradation Using Nanomaterials. Catalysts, 2022, 12(5) 544, Q2 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

VAN HECKE E., BENALI M.* Solid dispersions of quercetin-PEG matrices: Miscibility prediction, preparation and characterization. Food Bioscience, 2022, vol. 49, article number 101868 ⟨10.1016/j.fbio.2022.101868⟩ Q2

WANG W., LEMAIRE R., BENSAKHRIA A., LUART D. Analysis of the catalytic effect induced by alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEMs) on the pyrolysis of beech wood and corncob. Catalysts 2022, vol 12(2), article number 1505. Q2 (interéquipe) (collaboration internationale Cananda)

WANG W., LEMAIRE R., BENSAKHRIA A., LUART D. Thermogravimetric Analysis and Kinetic Modeling of the AAEM-Catalyzed Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass. Molecules 2022, vol 27(22), article number 7662. Q2 (interéquipe) (collaboration internationale Cananda)

WANG W., LEMAIRE R., BENSAKHRIA A., LUART D., Review on the catalytic effects of alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEMs) including sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium on the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and on the co-pyrolysis of coal with biomass. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, vol. 163, article number 105479. Q1 (interéquipe) (collaboration internationale Canada)

ZhaNG Z., Belda Marin C., Lefebvre M., Lefebvre C. Terrasson V., Guenin E. The preparation of stable spherical alkali lignin nanoparticles with great thermal stability and no cytotoxicity. International J. of Biological Macromolecules, vol 222, part B, pp. 1830-1839. Q1 biatS

2021 - 18 articles

AL DACCACHE, M., SALAMEH, D., CHAMY, L.E.L., KOUBAA, M., MAROUN, R.G., VOROBIEV, E., LOUKA, N. (2021). Evaluation of the fermentative capacity of an indigenous Hanseniaspora sp. strain isolated from Lebanese apples for cider production. FEMS Microbiology Letters,367(12). ⟨DOI. 10.1093/FEMSLE/FNAA093⟩ Q3 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

Ammar W., Delbecq F., Vroman I., Mhemdi H. Novel one-step process for the production of bioplastic from rapeseed press cake. Processes, 2021, vol. 9, article number 1498. Q2 (interéquipe) (collaboration nationale Univ Reims)

BANASZAK-LEONARD E., FAYEULLE A., FRANCHE A., SAGEDEVAN S., BILLAMBOZ M., Antimicrobial azo molecules; a review. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2021, vol. 18, pp. 2829-2854, ⟨10.1007/s13738-021-02238-4⟩. Q3

Damiens A., Alebrahim M. T., Léonard E., FAYEULLE A., Furman C., Hilbert J.-L., Siah A., Billamboz M. Sesamol-Based Terpenoids As Promising Bio-Sourced Crop Protection Compounds Against The Wheat Pathogen Zymoseptoria Tritici. Pest Management Science, 2021, 77(5), 2403‑2414. Q1

DELBECQ F., KONDO T., SUGAI S., BODELET M.; MATHON A., PARIS J., SIRKIA L., LEFEBVRE C., JEUX V. A Study for the Production of a Polysaccharide Based Hydrogel Ink Composites as Binder for Modification of Carbon Paper Electrodes Covered with PEDOT:PSS. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2021, vol. 628, 127380. Q1 (collaboration internationale Japon) biatS

EL KANTAR, S., KHELFA, A., VOROBIEV, E., KOUBAA, M. (2021). Strategies for increasing lipid accumulation and recovery from Y. lipolytica: A review. OCL – Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids,28. ⟨DOI. 10.1051/ocl/2021038⟩ Q2 (open access) (post-doc)

FAYEULLE A., Trudel E., Damiens A., Josse A., Ben Hadj Youssef N., Vigneron P., Vayssade M., Rossi C., Ceballos C. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of amines derived from vanillin as potential preservatives: Impact of the substituent chain length and polarity, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2021, vol. 22, Article number 100471. (open access). Q2 (collaboration inter labo UTC)

Gagnon Y.*, MHEMDI H.*, DELBECQ F., VAN HECKE E., Extended surfactants and their tailored applications for vegetable oils extraction: An overview. OCL – Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids, 2021, vol. 28, article number 28 ⟨10.1051/ocl/2020062⟩ (open access) Q2 (inter-équipes) (doctorant)

HEBERT, M., MHEMDI, H., VOROBIEV, E. (2021). Dead-end ultrafiltration of rich glucosinolates juice extracted from mustard defatted meal: Effects of operating conditions on permeate quality and membrane fouling. Food and Bioproducts Processing,128133-142. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.fbp.2021.05.002⟩ Q2 (doctorant)

LEONARD E., FAYEULLE A., Azo-Dyes-Grafted Oligosaccharides—From Synthesis to Applications. Molecules, 2021, vol. 26 (11), article number 3063 (open access). Q2

LETT J.A., SAGADEVAN S., FATIMAH I., HOQUE MD E., LOKANATHAN Y., LÉONARD E., ALSHAHATEET S.F., SCHIRHAGI R., OH W-C. Recent advances in natural polymer-based hydroxyapatite scaffolds: Properties and applications. European Polymer Journal, 2021, 148, 110360. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110360 Q1 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

LETT J.A., SAGADEVAN S., LÉONARD E., FATIMAH I., HOSSAIN M.A.M., MOHAMMAD F., AL-LOHEDAN H.A., PAIMAN S., ALSHAHATEET S.F., ABD RAZAK S.I., LE M-V., JOHAN M.R. Bone tissue engineering potentials of 3D printed magnesium-hydroxyapatite in polylactic acid composite. Artifical Organs, 2021, 45(12):1501-1512.  doi: 10.1111/aor.14045 Q3 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

MEENAKSHISUNDARAM S., FAYEULLE A., LEONARD E., CEBALLOS C., PAUSS A., Fiber degradation and carbohydrate production by combined biological and chemical/physicochemical pretreatment methods of lignocellulosic biomass – A review. Bioresource Technology, 2021, vol. 331, article number 125053. Q1

NEMER, G., LOUKA, N., VOROBIEV, E., SALAMEH, D., NICAUD, J.-M., MAROUN, R.G., KOUBAA, M. (2021). Mechanical cell disruption technologies for the extraction of dyes and pigments from microorganisms: A review. Fermentation,7(1). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/fermentation7010036⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban) (collaboration nationale – INRAE)

SAGADEVAN S., LETT J.A., FATIMAH I., LOKANATHAN Y., LÉONARD E., OH W-C., HOSSAIN M.A.M., JOHAN M.R. Current trends in the green syntheses of tin oxide nanoparticles and their biomedical applications. Materials Research Express, 2021, 8. doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ac187e. Q4 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

SAGADEVAN S., LETT J.A., VENNILA S., PRASATH P.V., KALIARAJ G. S., FATIMAH I., LÉONARD E., MOHAMAD F., AL-LOHEDAN H.A., ALSHAHATEET S.F., LEE C.T. Photocatalytic activity and antibacterial efficacy of titanium dioxide nanoparticles mediated by Myristica fragrans seed extract. Chemical Physics Letters, 2021, 771, 138527. Q3 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

STRICHER M., SARDE C. O., GUÉNIN E., EGLES C., DELBECQ F. Cellulosic/Polyvinyl alcohol composite hydrogel: synthesis, characterization and applications in tissue engineering. Polymers, 2021, vol. 13(20), 3598. DOI: 10.3390/polym13203598 Q1 (open access) (collaboration interéquipes,  inter labo UTC)

ZHANG Z., TERRASSON V., GUENIN E., Lignin nanoparticles and their nanocomposites. Nanomaterials, 2021, vol. 11(5), article number 1336. Q1

2020 - 29 articles

AL DACCACHE, M., KOUBAA, M., MAROUN, R.G., SALAMEH, D., LOUKA, N., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Impact of the physicochemical composition and microbial diversity in apple juice fermentation process: A review. Molecules,25(16). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/molecules25163698⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

AL DACCACHE, M., KOUBAA, M., MAROUN, R.G., SALAMEH, D., LOUKA, N., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Pulsed electric field-assisted fermentation of Hanseniaspora sp. yeast isolated from Lebanese apples. Food Research International,129. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.foodres.2019.108840⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

AL DACCACHE, M., KOUBAA, M., MAROUN, R.G., SALAMEH, D., LOUKA, N., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Suitability of the Lebanese “Ace spur” apple variety for cider production using Hanseniaspora sp. Yeast. Fermentation,6(1). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/fermentation6010032⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant)

AL DACCACHE, M., KOUBAA, M., SALAMEH, D., MAROUN, R.G., LOUKA, N., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Ultrasound-assisted fermentation for cider production from Lebanese apples. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,63. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2019.104952⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

AL DACCACHE, M., KOUBAA, M., SALAMEH, D., VOROBIEV, E., MAROUN, R.G., LOUKA, N. (2020). Control of the sugar/ethanol conversion rate during moderate pulsed electric field-assisted fermentation of a Hanseniaspora sp. strain to produce low-alcohol cider. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,59. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.ifset.2019.102258⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

AL DACCACHE, M., SALAMEH, D., CHAMY, L.E.L., KOUBAA, M., MAROUN, R.G., VOROBIEV, E., LOUKA, N. (2020). Evaluation of the fermentative capacity of an indigenous Hanseniaspora sp. strain isolated from Lebanese apples for cider production. FEMS microbiology letters,367(12). ⟨DOI. 10.1093/femsle/fnaa093⟩ Q3 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

Ayoub N., Bergère C., Toufaily J., GUÉNIN E., Enderlin G. A gram scale selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to diformylfuran in the presence of Oxone® and catalyzed by 2-iodobenzenesulfonic acid. New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44, pp. 11577- 11583. DOI Q2 (collaboration internationale Liban)

BOGAERT, L., MHEMDI, H., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Residence time distribution and flow pattern modeling of oilseeds in a pilot screw press. OCL – Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids,27. ⟨DOI. 10.1051/ocl/2020060⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant)

BOUAZIZ, F., ABDEDDAYEM, A.B., KOUBAA, M., BARBA, F.J., JEDDOU, K.B., KACEM, I., GHORBEL, R.E., CHAABOUNI, S.E. (2020). Bioethanol production from date seed cellulosic fraction using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Separations,7(4) 1-12. ⟨DOI. 10.3390/separations7040067⟩ Q2 (open access) (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

BOUAZIZ, F., ABDEDDAYEM, A.B., KOUBAA, M., GHORBEL, R.E., CHAABOUNI, S.E. (2020). Date seeds as a natural source of dietary fibers to improve texture and sensory properties of wheat bread. Foods,9(6). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/FOODS9060737⟩ Q1 (open access) (collaboration internationale – Tunisie)

Delbecq F., Khodadadi M.R., Rodriguez Padron D., Varma R., Len C. Isosorbide: Recent advances in catalytic production. Molecular Catalysis, 2020, vol 482, Article number 110648. Q2 (collaboration internationale Inde, Espagne)

Delbecq, F., Adenier, G., Ogue, Y., Kawai, T. Gelation properties of various long chain amidoamines: Prediction of solvent gelation via machine learning using Hansen solubility parameters. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 303, Article number 112587. Q1 (collaboration internationale Japon)

Franche A., FAYEULLE A., LINS L., BILLAMBOZ M., PEZRON I., Deleu M.*, LÉONARD E.* Amphiphilic azobenzenes: Antibacterial activities and biophysical investigation of their interaction with bacterial membrane lipids. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2020, vol 94, Article number 103399 ⟨10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103399⟩ (open access) (inter-équipes) (doctorant) Q1 (collaboration internationale – Belgique)

Franche A., Imbs C., FAYEULLE A., MERLIER F., Billamboz M., LÉONARD E. Zinc-mediated reactions on salicylaldehyde for Botrytis cinerea control. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31(3), pp. 706-710. (open access) Q1 (interéquipe) (collaboration nationale Univ Lille) BiatS

HEBERT, M., MHEMDI, H., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Selective and eco-friendly recovery of glucosinolates from mustard seeds (Brassica juncea) using process optimization and innovative pretreatment (high voltage electrical discharges). Food and Bioproducts Processing,12411-23. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.fbp.2020.04.009⟩ Q2 (open access) (doctorant)

IBEN AYAD A., LUART D., OULD DRIS A., GUENIN E., Kinetic Analysis of 4-Nitrophenol Reduction by “Water-Soluble” Palladium Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials, 2020, vol 10, 1169. doi: 10.3390/nano10061169 Q1 (interéquipe)

IMATOUKENE, N., KOUBAA, M., PERDRIX, E., BENALI, M., VOROBIEV, E.  Combination of cell disruption technologies for lipid recovery from dry and wet biomass of Yarrowia lipolytica and using green solvents. Process Biochemistry, 2020, vol. 90, pp. 139-147 ⟨10.1016/j.procbio.2019.11.011⟩ (open access) (inter-équipes) (post-doctorant) Q2

KHELFA, A., RODRIGUES, F.A., KOUBAA, M., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Microwave‐assisted pyrolysis of pine wood sawdust mixed with activated carbon for bio‐oil and bio‐char production. Processes,8(11) 1-12. ⟨DOI. 10.3390/pr8111437⟩ Q2 (open access)

KOUBAA, M., IMATOUKENE, N., DRÉVILLON, L., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Current insights in yeast cell disruption technologies for oil recovery: A review. Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification,150. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.cep.2020.107868⟩ Q2 (open access)

LARGE B., TERRASSON V., PRIM D., N-Tosylcarboxamide in C–H Functionalization: More than a Simple Directing Group. Processes, 2020, vol. 8(8), Article number 981. Q1

LETT J.A., SAGADEVAN S., PAIMAN S., MOHAMMAD F., SCHIRHAGI R., LÉONARD E., ALSHAHATEET S.F., OH W-C. Exploring the thumbprints of Ag-hydroxyapatite composite as a surface coating bone material for the implants. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9 (6), 12824-12833. Q2 (collaboration internationale – Inde, Malaysie)

LIU Q., PROUST C.*, GOMEZ F., LUART D., LEN C. The prediction multiphase, multi-reactant equilibria by minimizing the Gibbs energy of the system: review of available techniques and proposal of a new methode based on Monte-Carlo technique. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, vol 216, Article number 115433 ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2019.115433⟩ (open access) (inter-équipes) (doctorant) Q2

Liu Q., Tadrent S., PROUST C., GOMEZ F., Khelfa A., Luart D., LEN C. Theoretical analysis of the “green” synthesis of aniline by reduction of nitrobenzene. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, vol 211, Article number 115275. (open access) (inter-équipes), (doctorant) Q2

Lou Y., Marinkovic S., Estrine B., Qiang W., ENDERLIN G. Oxidation of furfural and furan derivatives to maleic acid in the presence of a simple catalyst system based on acetic acid and TS-1 and hydrogen peroxide. ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 6, 2561–2568. Q2 (collaboration industrielle)

PENG, K., KOUBAA, M., BALS, O., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Effect of pulsed electric fields on the growth and acidification kinetics of Lactobacillus delbrueckii Subsp. bulgaricus. Foods,9(9). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/foods9091146⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant)

PENG, K., KOUBAA, M., BALS, O., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Recent insights in the impact of emerging technologies on lactic acid bacteria: A review. Food Research International,137. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109544⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant)

RAJHA, H.N., KOUBAA, M., BOUSSETTA, N., MAROUN, R.G., LOUKA, N., LEBOVKA, N., VOROBIEV, E. (2020). Selective ultrasound-assisted aqueous extraction of polyphenols from pomegranate peels and seeds. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,44(7). ⟨DOI. 10.1111/jfpp.14545⟩ Q2 (doctorant) (collaboration internationale – Liban)

SOUA, L., KOUBAA, M., BARBA, F.J., FAKHFAKH, J., GHAMGUI, H.K., CHAABOUNI, S.E. (2020). Water-Soluble Polysaccharides from Ephedra alata Stems: Structural characterization, functional properties, and antioxidant activity. Molecules,25(9). ⟨DOI. 10.3390/molecules25092210⟩ Q2 (open access) (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

TADRENT, S., KHELFA, A., LEN, C. (2020). Effect of KOH pretreatment on lignocellulosic waste for the reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline without metal. Sustainability (Switzerland),12(11) . ⟨DOI. 10.3390/su12114665⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant) (inter-équipes)

2019 - 14 articles

COCURON, J.-C., KOUBAA, M., KIMMELFIELD, R., ROSS, Z., ALONSO, A.P. (2019). A combined metabolomics and fluxomics analysis identifies steps limiting oil synthesis in Maize EmbryOS. Plant Physiology,181(3) 961-975. ⟨DOI. 10.1104/PP.19.00920⟩ Q1 (open access) (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

DADAN M., WASILEWSKA K., NOWACKA M., WIKTOR A., BARBA F.J., KOUBAA M., ROOHINEJAD S., MATYS A., WITROWA-RAJCHERT D. (2019). The evaluation of drying kinetics and water activity of radish sprouts processed by different drying methods. Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczychnr. 598: 29-39. ⟨ internationale – multipartenaires)

DELBECQ F.*, Nguyen R., VAN HECKE E., LEN C. Design and physicochemical properties of long and stiff fatty low molecular weight oleogelators. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, vol 295, Article number 111708 ⟨10.1016/j.molliq.2019.111708⟩ (open access) (inter-équipes) (post-doc) Q1

DELBECQ F., Delfosse P., Laboureix G., Paré C., Kawai T. Study of a gelated deep eutectic solvent metal salt solution as template for the production of size-controlled small noble metal nanoparticles? Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, vol 567, pp.55-62. Q2 (collaboration internationale Japon)

Delbecq F., Khodadadi M.R., Rodriguez Padron D., Varma R., Len C. Isosorbide: Recent advances in catalytic production. Molecular Catalysis, 2019, Article number 110648. Q2 (collaboration internationale Inde, Espagne)

DRÉVILLON, L., KOUBAA, M., NICAUD, J.-M., VOROBIEV, E. (2019). Cell disruption pre-treatments towards an effective recovery of oil from Yarrowia lipolytica oleaginous yeast. Biomass and Bioenergy,128. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.105320⟩ Q1 (open access) (doctorant) (collaboration nationale – INRAE)

KOUBAA, M, BARBA, F.J, ROOHINEJAD, S, SARAIVA, J, LORENZO, J.M. (2019). New challenges and opportunities of food fermentation processes: Application of conventional and innovative techniques. Food Research International,115552-553 Q1 ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.09.048⟩ (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

Liu Q., PROUST C.*, GOMEZ F., LUART D., LEN C. Improving the Predictability of Chemical Equilibrium Software. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, vol 58(1), pp.411-419 ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.8b03571⟩ (inter-équipes) (doctorant) Q1

LiU Q., PROUST C.*, GOMEZ F., LUART D., LEN C. Sensitivity of the Predictability of Chemical Equilibrium Software to the Choice of the Products. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, vol 58(8), pp.2654-2660 ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.8b03604⟩ (inter-équipes) (doctorant) Q1

Samain S., LETURIA M., MOTTELET S., BENALI M., SALEH K.* Characterization of caking for crystalline materials: Comparison and statistical analysis of three mechanical tests. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, pp.218-229 ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2018.11.048⟩ (inter-équipes) (doctorant) Q2

Veignie E., Ceballos C., Len C., Rafin C. Design of New Antifungal Dithiocarbamic Esters Having Bio-Based Acrylate Moiety. ACS Omega, 2019, vol 4(3), pp.4779-4784. Q1 (collaboration nationale ULCO)

WIKTOR A., WASILEWSKA K., BARBA F.J., DADAN M., KOUBAA M., ROOHINEJAD S., NOWACKA M., WITROWA-RAJCHERT D. (2019). The impact of different drying methods on quality of radish sprouts. Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczychnr. 597: 41-51. ⟨ internationale – multipartenaires)

Zhao D., Delbecq F., Len C. One-pot FDCA diester synthesis from mucic acid and their solvent-free regioselective polytransesterification for production of glycerol-based furanic polyesters. Molecules, 2019, vol 24(6), n°1030. Q2

ZHAO D., WANG Y., DELBECQ F., LEN C. Continuous flow conversion of alkyl levulinates into valerolactone in the presence of Ru/C as catalyst. Molecular Catalysis, 2019, vol 475, Article number 110456. Q2

2018 - 18 articles

BOGAERT, L., MATHIEU, H., MHEMDI, H., VOROBIEV, E. (2018). Characterization of oilseeds mechanical expression in an instrumented pilot screw press. Industrial Crops and Products,121106-113. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.04.039⟩ Q1 (doctorant)

BOGAERT, L., MHEMDI, H., VOROBIEV, E. (2018). Impact of pretreatments on the solid/liquid expression behavior of canola seeds based on the simplified computational method. Industrial Crops and Products,113135-141. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.12.053⟩ Q1 (doctorant)

BRUNIAUX S., LUART D., LEN C. Continuous-Flow Reductive Alkylation: Synthesis of Bio-based Symmetrical and Disymmetrical Ethers. Synthesis (Germany), 2018, vol 50(9), pp.1849-1856. DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1591861 Q1

CHAO C.*, GÉNOT C., RODRIGUEZ C., MAGNIEZ H., LACOURT S., FIEVEZ A., LEN C., PEZRON I., LUART D., VAN HECKE E. Emollients for cosmetic formulations: Towards relationships between physico-chemical properties and sensory perceptions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, vol 536, pp.156-164 ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.07.025⟩ (inter-équipes) (doctorant) Q1

DELBECQ F., LEN C. Recent advances in the microwave-assisted production of hydroxymethylfurfural by hydrolysis of cellulose derivatives — A review. Molecules, 2018, vol 23(8), n°1973. Q2

DELBECQ F., TAKAHASHI Y., KONDO T., CORBAS C. C., RAMOS E. R., LEN C. Microwave assisted efficient furfural production using nano-sized surface-sulfonated diamond powder. Catalysis Communications, 2018, vol 110, pp.74-78. Q3 (collaboration internationale Japon Espagne)

DELBECQ F., WANG Y., MURALIDHARA A., EL OUARDI K. E., MARLAIR G., LEN C. Hydrolysis of hemicellulose and derivatives-a review of recent advances in the production of furfural. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, vol 6 (May), n°146. Q2 (collaboration internationale Maroc)

DRÉVILLON, L., KOUBAA, M., VOROBIEV, E. (2018). Lipid extraction from Yarrowia lipolytica biomass using high-pressure homogenization. Biomass and Bioenergy,115143-150. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.04.014⟩ Q1 (doctorant)

GHARIBZAHEDI, S.M.T, KOUBAA, M., BARBA, F.J., GREINER, R., GEORGE, S., ROOHINEJAD, S. (2018). Recent advances in the application of microbial transglutaminase crosslinking in cheese and ice cream products: A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,1072364-2374. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.10.115⟩ Q1 (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

HASHEMI, S.M.B., MOUSAVI KHANEGHAH, A., KOUBAA, M., BARBA, F.J., ABEDI, E., NIAKOUSARI, M., TAVAKOLI, J. (2018). Extraction of essential oil from Aloysia citriodora Palau leaves using continuous and pulsed ultrasound: Kinetics, antioxidant activity and antimicrobial properties. Process Biochemistry,65197-204. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.procbio.2017.10.020⟩ Q2 (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

KOUBAA, M., MHEMDI, H., FAGES, J. (2018). Recovery of valuable components and inactivating microorganisms in the agro-food industry with ultrasound-assisted supercritical fluid technology. Journal of Supercritical Fluids,13471-79. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.supflu.2017.12.012⟩ Q2 (open access)

KULTUR, G., MISRA, N.N., BARBA, F.J., KOUBAA, M., GÖKMEN, V., ALPAS, H. (2018). Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on background microflora and furan formation in fruit purée based baby foods. Journal of Food Science and Technology,55(3) 985-991. ⟨DOI. 10.1007/s13197-017-3011-z⟩ Q2 (open access) (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

LEN C., DELBECQ F., CARA CORPAS C., RUIZ RAMOS E. Continuous Flow Conversion of Glycerol into Chemicals: An Overview. Synthesis (Germany), 2018, vol 50(4), pp.723-741. DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1591857 Q1 (collaboration internationale Espagne)

MOTA, M.J., LOPES, R.P., KOUBAA, M., ROOHINEJAD, S., BARBA, F.J., DELGADILLO, I., SARAIVA, J.A. (2018). Fermentation at non-conventional conditions in food- and bio-sciences by the application of advanced processing technologies. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology,38(1) 122-140. ⟨DOI. 10.1080/07388551.2017.1312272⟩ Q1 (collaboration internationale – multipartenaires)

ROSELLÓ-SOTO, E., POOJARY, M.M., BARBA, F.J., KOUBAA, M., LORENZO, J.M., MAÑES, J., MOLTÓ, J.C. (2018). Thermal and non-thermal preservation techniques of tiger nuts’ beverage “horchata de chufa”. Implications for food safety, nutritional and quality properties. Food Research International, 105945-951. ⟨DOI. 10.1016/j.foodres.2017.12.014⟩ Q1 (collaboration internationale – Espagne)

TADRENT, S., LUART, D., BALS, O., KHELFA, A., LUQUE, R., LEN, C. (2018). Metal-Free Reduction of Nitrobenzene to Aniline in Subcritical Water. Journal of Organic Chemistry,83(14) 7431-7437. ⟨DOI. 10.1021/acs.joc.8b00406⟩ Q1 (doctorant) (inter-équipes)

WANG Y., DELBECQ F., VARMA R. S., LEN C. Comprehensive study on expeditious conversion of pre-hydrolyzed alginic acid to furfural in Cu(II) biphasic systems using microwaves. Molecular Catalysis, 2018, vol 445, pp.73-79. Q2 (collaboration internationale Inde)

ZHAO D., PRINSEN P., WANG Y., OUYANG W., DELBECQ F., LEN C., LUQUE R. Continuous Flow Alcoholysis of Furfuryl Alcohol to Alkyl Levulinates Using Zeolites. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2018, vol 6 (5), pp. 6901-6909. Q1 (collaboration internationale Espagne)



Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture non répertoriées dans des bases de données internationales

2021 - 1 article

GAUTIER A., DUCA M., LEONARD E., GUIANVARC’H D., VAUZEILLES B., ARIMONDO P.B., Chémobiologie et maladies infectieuses : de Pasteur à la COVID-19, L’actualité Chimique, 2021, pp. 12-16.

Communications dans un congrès international avec actes

2023 - 9 communications

Ayad A., Boufetacha M., VAN HECKE E., Gharibi E., BENALI M. The application of molecular simulation to predict the solubility properties of flavonoids and their assembly with macromolecular matrices. 1st African Summer School on Molecular Modelling. In Tofail University, Faculty of Sciences, June 13-16, 2023, Kenitra, Maroc. Prix du meilleur Poster

BOUFETACHA M., Gharibi E., BOUSSETTA N., BENALI M. Selective supercritical CO2 extraction of phenolic compounds from Moroccan Rosmarinus officinalis L. In: 1st International Conference on Biomass Valorisation for Sustainable Applications, 2 & 3 November 2023, Marrakech, Maroc (inter-équipes)

MEENAKSHISUNDARAM S., PODMIRSEG S.M., CEBALLOS C., LEONARD E., LIU X., PAUSS A., FAYEULLE A. Bioaugmentation with anaerobic fungi for biogas production from straw. In: 12th International Symposium on Anaerobic Microbiology. Innsbruck, Austria. 23-26 May 2023.

MICHALSKA-WALKOWIAK J., COUMES F., RIEGER J., JEUX V., TERRASSON V., Modification of lignin-derived compounds to bio-based polymers in environmentally friendly conditions, In: 14th Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering APME23, 23-27 Avril 2023, Paris, France  oral

MOSQUERA J., DELBECQ F., DAOUK E., BERTAULD-DRELICH A., SALEH K., GAUTIER R., LETURIA M., Synthesis of activated carbon materials derived from phenolic resin for CO2 separation. In: ECCE&ECAB Conference, sept. 2023 Berlin, Germany (inter-équipes) oral

MOSQUERA J., DELBECQ F., DAOUK E., BERTAULD-DRELICH A., SALEH K., GAUTIER R., LETURIA M., Preparation of robust carbon monoliths derived from phenolic resin for CO2 separation. In: Formula XI, 3-6 Juillet 2023, Lille, France (inter-équipes) oral

Najjoum N., Benali M., Castignolles P., GRIMI N. (2023) Extraction and characterization of hemicellulose from wood residues. In: « 1st International Conference On Biomass Valorization for Sustainable Applications, BIOVASA, UNESCO GSC Chair », 2 & 3 November 2023, Marrakech, Maroc (inter-équipes)

SALAMEH S.-J., LEONARD E., KHELFA A. Valorization of brewery spent grains lignin: fractionation, purification, and diazo coupling for antimicrobial applications. Oral presentation in the 1st international conference on “Biomass Valorization for Sustainable Applications” (BIOVASA2023). November 2-3, 2023, Marrakech, Morocco.

ZHANG Z., TERRASSON V., GUENIN E, Production of nanolignin and preparation of chitosan-(nano)lignin films: evaluation of the influence of biopolymer nanoform on the film properties. The 4th Edition of EUROMAGH BIOCOMPOSITES Conference (EUROMAGH 2023) April 26-27, 2023, University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco oral

2022 - 16 communications

BOUFETACHA M., BENALI M., boussetta n., hbika a., elkhadir g., Etude comparative de l’extraction des huiles aromatiques de Rosmarinus officinalis L par hydrodistillation et distillation à vapeur d’eau. In : 1ères Journées Internationale de l’Eau, 29-23 Mars 2022, Oujda, Maroc (inter-équipes)

Delbecq F., Stricher M., Egles C., Chemical and physical modification of micro/nanofibrillar dialdehyde cellulose: an avenue in the field of innovative 3D scaffold or wound dressings for biomedical applications, In: Conférence Internationale Matériaux 2022, 24-28 Octobre 2022, Lille Grand Palais, France. Oral

EL HAJJ R., MHEMDI H., ALLAF K., BESOMBES C., VOROBIEV E. (2022) Application of green processes and emerging technologies for the valorization of mealworms in a biorefinery concept. Congress Insects to feed the world, virtual mode, Quebec City, June 12-16, 2022.

EL HAJJ, R., MHEMDI, H., ALLAF, K., GRIMI, N., VOROBIEV, E., Study of the impact of Pulsed electric fields pretreatment on yellow mealworm insects in a biorefinery concept. 4th World Congress on Electroporation, Copenhagen, October 9-13, 2022

Enderlin G., Ayoub N., Toufailly J., Guénin E., From metal-to-metal free oxidation of biosourced furan derivatives, In: International Symposium on Green Chemistry ISGC 2022, 16-20 Mai 2022, La Rochelle, France.  Oral

Enderlin G., Ayoub N., Toufaily J., Guénin E., Transition from metal to metal-free catalysis for the oxidation of biosourced furan derivatives, In: 9th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis: Oxidation for a Sustainable Future and Clean Environment, September 4-8th 2022, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Oral

Fayeulle A., Trudel E., Damiens A., Josse A., Ben Hadj Youssef N., Vigneron P., Vayssade M., Rossi C., Ceballos C. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of amines derived from vanillin as potential preservatives: Impact of the substituent chain length and polarity. In: ISGC 2022 International Conference, 16-20 Mai 2022, La Rochelle, France.

Hassine A., Luart D., Guénin E., Continuous flow synthesis of tetrahydrofurfuryl ethyl ether via reductive etherification of furfural, In: International Symposium on Green Chemistry ISGC 2022, 16-20 Mai 2022, La Rochelle, France. Oral

LOUPIAC C., BADJONA A., MLOUAH E., MUDAU C., PHUNG T., MHEMDI H., MEZDOUR S. (2022) Insects as a sustainable source of proteins: from raw caterpillars (Samia ricini) to protein’s powders. Congress Insects to feed the world, virtual mode, Quebec City, June 12-16, 2022.

MEENAKSHISUNDARAM S., FAYEULLE A., LEONARD E., CEBALLOS C., LIU X., PAUSS A. Improvement of anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass by coupling fungal and chemical treatments. In: 4th International Conference on Biogas Microbiology. Braga, Portugal. 9-11 May 2022.

MHEMDI H., MEZDOUR S. (2022) Development of a technically reliable and economically viable transformation processes for the production of a of high-protein flour from caterpillar larvae in Cameroun. Congress Insects to feed the world, virtual mode, Quebec City, June 12-16, 2022.

Negui M., Terrasson V., Jeux V., Guénin E., Sauvage F., π-Conjugated biosourced materials for organic electronics, In: International Symposium on Green Chemistry ISGC 2022, 16-20 Mai 2022, La Rochelle, France.  Oral

OTANI N., FAYEULLE A., NAKANE D., LEONARD E., AKITSU T. Synthesis, Identification and Antibacterial Activities of Aminoacid-Schiff-Base-Cu(II)-Complexes with Chlorinated Aromatic Moieties, ISGC La Rochelle (France), 2022

OTAOLA F., MOTTELET S., GUENIN E., LUART D., LETURIA M. Development of 3D printed microreactors for organometallic catalytic reactions. In: International congress of chemical and process engineering, Chisa 2022, 21-15 Août 2022 (inter-équipes)

Zhang Z., Terrasson V., GUÉNIN E., A green sustainable and recyclable Pd@LNPs nanocatalyst with high catalytic performance for catalytic reduction of Cr(VI) and 4-nitrophenol and Suzuki reaction, International Symposium on Green Chemistry ISGC 2022, 16-20 Mai 2022, La Rochelle, France.  Oral

Zhang Z., Terrasson V., GUÉNIN E., Synthesis and characterization of lignin nanoparticles, In: International Symposium on Green Chemistry ISGC 2022, 16-20 Mai 2022, La Rochelle, France.  Oral

2021 - 7 communications

AYOUB N., TOUFAILY J., GUENIN E., ENDERLIN G., Metal-free catalysis for gram-scale oxidations of bio-sourced furan derivatives. In: 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 26 – 29 September 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece/visioconférence. Oral

DAMIENS A., SIAH A., FAYEULLE A., FURMAN C., LEONARD E., BILLAMBOZ M., Bio-sourced antifungal compounds for crop protection with minimized impact on the environment and human health. In: 72nd International Symposium on Crop Protection, May 18, 2021.

HONG J., BOUSSETTA N., ENDERLIN G., MERLIER F., GRIMI N., Étude de la dégradation d’atrazine par décharges électriques. Journée « Journées Formulation de la Société Chimique de France : « Substitution et Reformulation : défis d’aujourd’hui, produits de demain », 29 Novembre – 1 Décembre 2021, Université de Technologie de Compiègne. (inter-équipes) (collaboration inter labos – UTC)

OTAOLA F., MOTTELET S., TERRIEN J., GUENIN E., LUART D., LETURIA M. Additive manufacturing residence time distribution characterization and flow chemistry applied to the development of microreactors. In: International congress of chemical and process engineering, Chisa 2021, 15-18 Mars 2021, virtual event (inter-équipes) Oral

OTAOLA F., MOTTELET S., TERRIEN J., GUENIN E., LUART D., LETURIA M. Residence time distribution of additive manufactured microstructured reactors. In: 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, 20-23 Septembre 2021, virtual event (inter-équipes) Oral

STRICHER M., VIGNERON P., SARDE C-O., DELBECQ F., EGLES C. Volvox carteri as an innovative, versatile, promising biomaterial for tissue engineering, 6th Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society world congress (TERMIS 2021), 15-19 November 2021, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Digital event (abstract #: 1324). Oral

ZHANG Z., TERRASSON V., GUENIN E., Preparation and characterization of nanolignins: towards supports for nanocatalysts. In: NANOFORAGRI 2021: Technology Readiness and Overcoming Regulatory Barriers to Implement Nanotechnology-Enabled Agriculture for Sustainable Future, 8th-9th December, 2021. virtual event Oral

2020 - 1 communication

MEZDOUR, S. LOUPIAC, C., MHEMDI, H., (2020). Thermo-mechanical and Pulsed Electric Field processing effects on protein quality of insect flour, Online 3rd International Conference « Insects to Feed the World » (IFW 2020) on November 23-26, 2020.

2019 - 5 communications

ENDERLIN G., LOU Y., MARINKOVIC S., ESTRINE B., QIANG W. Synthesis of C4 diacid from biomass-based furan derivatives. In: ISGC 2019 International Conference, 13-17 Mai, La Rochelle, France, 2019. Oral

FRANCHE A., FAYEULLE A., PEZRON I., DELEU M., LEONARD E. Antibacterial intelligent amphiphiles. In: ISGC 2019 International Conference, 13-17 Mai, La Rochelle, France, 2019 (inter-équipes) Oral

IBEN AYAD A., LUART D., OULD DRIS A., GUENIN E. Kinetic analysis of reduction of 4-Nitrophenol by “water-soluble” palladium nanoparticles studied by a Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism. Do we compare apples and oranges? In: ISGC 2019 International Conference, 13-17 Mai, La Rochelle, France, 2019. Oral

JEUX V., SAUVAGE F., TERRASSON V., LEONARD E. New bio-sourced hole transporting materials for perovskite solar cells. In: ISGC 2019 International Conference, 13-17 Mai, La Rochelle, France, 2019. Oral

TERRASSON V., GUENIN E., IBEN AYAD A. One-pot Suzuki/Sonogashira and nitro-reduction in aqueous media using a magnetic nanocatalyst. In: ISGC 2019 International Conference, 13-17 Mai, La Rochelle, France, 2019. Oral

2018 - 2 communications

WANG Y., DELBECQ F., CARA CORBAS C., RUIZ RAMOS E., LEN C. Microwave assisted efficient furfural production using different catalytic system. Fourth Workshop & Fifth MC Meeting (FP1306 COST Action), 12-14 March, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018.  Oral

ZHAO D., WANG Y., DELBECQ F., LEN C. Microwave and continuous flow for the production of furfural and the corresponding nitrogen derivatives. In: 4th Iberoamerican Congress on Biorefineries, 24-26 Octobre, Jaen, Espagne, 2018. Oral

Communications dans un congrès national avec actes

2023 - 6 communications

Calcagno V., Meenakshisundaram S., CEBALLOS C., FAYEULLE A., Léonard E., Herledan V., Krafft J.-M., MILLOT Y., LIU X., JOLIVALT C., PAUSS A. Biomass characterization and biogas production of pretreated straw: is there a correlation ?. Colloque interUT systèmes sûrs et durables, Université de Technologie De Compiègne. Paris, France, 2023.

DELEVINGNE L, MOSQUERA J. E., DELBECQ F., DAOUK E., DRELICH A., SALEH, K., GAUTIER R., LETURIA M., Development of nitrogen-enriched porous carbons from polybenzoxazines for CO2 separation. Colloque Chimie Durable, CNAM, 29 Septembre, Paris, France, 2023. oral

GUENIN E., DELBECQ F., TERRASSON V., JEUX V. Green chemistry and processes for functionnal bio-based materials. Sorbonne Université, Feb 2023, Paris, France. oral (conférence invité)

HAMIE Z., TOUFAILY J, GUENIN E., ENDERELIN G., Valorization of saccharide fractions of biomass and transformations of bio-sourced furan-based platform molecules. Colloque Chimie Durable, CNAM, 29 Septembre, Paris, France, 2023. Poster

LEONARD E. Azobenzene : when orange is green. SCF Nantes 2023

NAJJOUM N., BENALI M., CASTIGNOLLES P., GRIMI N., (2023) Valorisation de la biomasse : extraction, caractérisation et hydrophobisation des hémicelluloses, Colloque « 1er colloque interUT « Systèmes sûrs et durables », 2-3 Février 2023, Paris. (inter-équipes) Prix Roberval, meilleur poster.

2022 - 13 communications

DRIAO BEDUNEAU O, BALS O., SALEH K., OLIVA J.E., KHELFA A., DAOUK E., GRIMI N., Modélisation du procédé de séchage convectif des grains de maïs. 18ème congrès de la SFGP, Toulouse, Novembre 7-10, 2022. (inter-équipes)

ADRIAO BEDUNEAU O., BALS O., OLIVA JE., DAOUK E., KHELFA A., GRIMI N. Procédé de séchage convectif des grains de maïs : isothermes de sorption et modélisation. In : 18e Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), Toulouse, Novembre 2022 (inter-équipes)

BOUFETACHA M., BENALI M., BOUSSETTA N., GHARIBI E. (2022) Optimisation de l’extraction des polyphénols du Romarin par la méthodologie de la surface de réponse, In : Le Romarin : Valorisation et développement durable, 22 et 23 Octobre 2022, Taourirt, Maroc.

Boufetacha M., Gharibi E., BOUSSETTA N., BENALI M. Développement d’outils prédictifs pour l’éco-extraction sélective des polyphénols de Rosmarinus officinalis. In: 18ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFPG 2022), 07-10 Novembre, Toulouse, France, 2022 (inter-équipes)

Dridi W., VAN HECKE E., BENALI M. Solid dispersions of quercetin-PEG matrices: miscibility prediction using solubility parameters and experimental validation. In : 18ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFPG 2022), 07-10 Novembre, Toulouse, France, 2022

EL HAJJ R., MHEMDI H., ALLAF K., BESOMBES C., VOROBIEV E. (2022) Application de procédés verts et de technologies émergentes pour la valorisation des vers de farine dans un concept de bioraffinerie. 18ème congrès de la SFGP, Toulouse, Novembre 7-10, 2022.

EL HAJJ R., MHEMDI H., ALLAF K., BESOMBES C., VOROBIEV E. (2022) Utilisation des technologies émergentes pour la valorisation des insectes dans un concept de bioraffinerie. Colloque Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2022, en webinaire, 27-28 Janvier 2022.

HONG J, BOUSSETTA N, ENDERLIN G, MERLIER F, GRIMI N. (2022) Impact des décharges électriques de hautes tensions sur la dégradation des pesticides dans l’eau. 18ème congrès de la SFGP, Toulouse, Novembre 7-10, 2022. (inter-équipes) (collaboration inter labos – UTC)

MOSQUERA J., DELBECQ F., DAOUK E., BERTAULD-DRELICH A., SALEH K., GAUTIER R., LETURIA M. Développement de solides carbonés poreux enrichis en azote à partir de résines polybenzoxazines pour la séparation du CO2. In : 18ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFPG 2022), 07-10 Novembre, Toulouse, France, 2022 (inter-équipes)

MOSQUERA J., DELBECQ F., DAOUK E., BERTAULD-DRELICH A., SALEH K., GAUTIER R., LETURIA M. Development of nitrogen-enriched porous carbons from polybenzoxazines for CO2 separation. In : Journées de Formulation 2022 de la Société Chimique de France, 28-30 Novembre, Limoges, France, 2022 (inter-équipes) poster

MOSQUERA J., DELBECQ F., DAOUK E., DRELICH A., SALEH K., GAUTIER R., LETURIA M. Développement de solides carbonés poreux enrichis en azote à partir de résines polybenzoxazines pour la séparation du CO2. In : 18ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFPG 2022), 07-10 Novembre, Toulouse, France, 2022 poster

OTAOLA F., MOTTELET S., GUENIN E., LUART D., LETURIA M. Caractérisation expérimentale de la Distribution de Temps de Séjour dans des réacteurs structurés fabriqués par impression 3D. In: 18ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFPG 2022), 07-10 Novembre, Toulouse, France, 2022 (inter-équipes)

SALAMEH S-J., LEONARD, E., KHELFA A. (2022) Valorisation de la lignine des drêches de brasserie : fractionnement, purification et couplages diazoïques pour des applications en antimicrobiens. 18ème congrès de la SFGP, Toulouse, Novembre 7-10, 2022. (inter-équipes)

2021 - 4 communications

Damiens A., Siah A., FAYEULLE A., Furman C., Leonard E., Billamboz M. Bio-sourced antifungal agents for crop protection with no impact on environment and human health. In : Webinaire J2C2 SFR Condorcet, 14-15 Janvier 2021.

EL HAJJ R., MHEMDI H., ALLAF K., BESOMBES C., VOROBIEV E. (2021) Utilisation des technologies émergentes pour la valorisation des insectes dans un concept de bioraffinerie. Colloque Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2021, en webinaire, 14-15 Janvier, 2021.

GAGNON Y, MHEMDI H, DELBECQ F, VAN HECKE E. Reformulation of vegetable oil microemulsions with bio-based surfactants. 20e édition Journées de Formulation de la SCF – Substitution et Reformulation, 29 Novembre au 1er Décembre 2021, Compiègne. Poster Prix Poster Alain Foissy – Formulaction

KOUBAA M. « Fermentation assistée par ultrasons : conception de sonobioréacteurs, mécanismes de stimulation, applications et limitations ». Présentation lors des 6èmes journées Scientifiques Ultrasons et Procédés, JSUP, 5 – 7 Juillet 2021, Lille.

2020 - 3 communications

Jeux V. “Matériaux inorganiques ou organiques pour les cellules photovoltaïques : état de l’art et avancées récentes.” Intechem Process, 11 février 2020, Compiègne. oral (invité)

Koubaa M. « Implémentation industrielle de technologies émergentes pour une meilleure efficacité énergétique ». Présentation lors de la journée INTECHEM à l’ESCOM le 11/02/2020.

Otaola F., Luart D., Leturia M. Additive manufacturing, flow chemistry and multi-physics simulation applied to the development and optimization of microreactors. Intechem Process, 11 février 2020, Compiègne. oral 

2019 - 3 communications

Bruschera G., Saighi C., LEONARD E., Terrasson V., Sauvage F., Jeux V. Nouveaux matériaux transporteurs de trous pour les cellules solaires à base de pérovskite. SPIC 2019, Arras, 7-11 octobre 2019. Poster

GAGNON Y., MHEMDI H., DELBECQ F., VAN HECKE E.  Vers une extraction des huiles végétales par une solution aqueuse de tensio-actifs. In : 17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 15-17 Octobre, Nantes, France, 2019 (inter-équipes) oral

Iben-Ayad A., Luart D., Ould Dris A., Guénin E. Kinetic analysis of reduction of 4-Nitrophenol by “water soluble” Palladium Nanoparticles Studied by a Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism. 17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 15-17 Octobre, Nantes, France, 2019. oral

2018 - 6 communications

Iben ayad A., Luart D., Guénin E., Ould Dris A. Evaluation of nanocatalysis, kinetic determination. Towards continuous flow development. Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs, UGéPE Nord de France-GEPROC 2018, 20-21 Novembre, Villeneuve d’Ascq, 2018. Poster

Iben ayad A., Ould Driss A., Luart D., Guénin E. Evaluation of nanocatalysis, Kinetic determination. Towards continuous flow development. Congrès Intechem Process, 7-8 Mars, Compiègne, France, 2018. Poster

Iben Ayad A., Ould Driss A., Luart D., Guénin E. Evaluation of nanocatalysis, Kinetic determination. Towards continuous flow development. SCF18 National Conference, 2-4 Juillet, Montpellier, France, 2018. Prix poster SCF.

Jeux V., Leriche P. Systèmes conjugués moléculaires pour cellules solaires organiques : de la synthèse à l’évaluation des performances photovoltaïques. Intechem Process, Compiègne, 7 et 8 mars 2018 oral 

TERRASSON V. Diamines vicinales : ligands pratiques et efficaces pour la catalyse. Congrès Intechem Process, 7-8 Mars, Compiègne, France, 2018. oral 

TERRASSON V., IBEN AYAD A., GUENIN E. One-pot c-c coupling and nitro-reduction in aqueous media using a nanocatalyst. SCF18 National Conference, 2-4 Juillet, Montpellier, France, 2018. oral

Conférences invitées

2023 - 2 conférences invitées

EL KANTAR S., PIRES DE SOUSA C., NICAUD J.-M., KOUBAA M. (2023) Sustainable production of odd chain fatty acids by the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica: valorization of agro-industrial by-products. The international conference “Biomass Valorization for Sustainable Applications” (BIOVASA2023).  2-3 November 2023, Marrakech, Morocco.

NICAUD, J.-M., KOUBAA M. (2023) Invited seminar in the frame of the Europeen project COST, Yeast4Bio. “Scale up fermentation and DSP of OCFA enriched lipid production by Yarrowia lipolytica », Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Working group Meeting – Mai 15-16, 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia.

2022 - 2 conférences invitées

ABREU S., EL KANTAR S., PARK Y.-K., PIRES DE SOUZA C., VIDAL L., CHAMINADE P., KOUBAA M., NICAUD J.-M. (2022) “Yarrowia lipolytica, a chassis yeast for unusual lipid production the case of odd chain fatty acid production. Biotechnology”- Research and Industrial Applications Conference, September 15-16, 2022, Wroclaw, Poland.

KOUBAA M. (2022) « The valorization of food industry byproducts ». The Final International Conference of the BESTMEDGRAPE project, 11-12 Juillet 2022, Beyrouth, Liban.

2021 - 1 conférence invitée

KOUBAA M. (2021) « Fermentation assistée par ultrasons : conception de sonobioréacteurs, mécanismes de stimulation, applications et limitations ». Présentation lors des 6èmes journées Scientifiques Ultrasons et Procédés, JSUP, 5 – 7 Juillet 2021, Lille.

2020 - 1 conférence invitée

KOUBAA M. (2020) « Implémentation industrielle de technologies émergentes pour une meilleure efficacité énergétique ». Présentation lors de la journée INTECHEM à l’ESCOM le 11/02/2020.

2019 - 1 conférence invitée

KOUBAA M. (2019) « Intensification de l’extraction des protéines par des technologies émergentes ». Présentation lors de la journée technique organisée par IMPROVE (Amiens, France) le 22/05/2019 sur la thématique « Les procédés d’extraction des protéines du futur par voie liquide ».

2018 - 3 conférences invitées

KOUBAA M. (2018)  « Intensification des procédés d’extraction et de fermentation par ultrasons ». Présentation à l’université Saint-Joseph (Beyrouth, Liban) le 30/10/2018.

KOUBAA M. (2018) « Inactivation et stimulation des microorganismes par champs électriques pulsés ». Présentation à l’université Saint-Joseph (Beyrouth, Liban) le 31/10/2018.

KOUBAA M. (2018) « Technologies émergentes pour l’industrie agro-alimentaire ». Présentation à l’université Saint-Joseph (Beyrouth, Liban) le 31/10/2018.

Communications dans des congrès sans actes

2023 - 2 communications

DELEVINGNE L., MOSQUERA J., DELBECQ F., DAOUK E., BERTAULD-DRELICH A., SALEH K., GAUTIER R., LETURIA M. Développement de charbons actifs à partir de résines phénoliques pour la séparation du CO2. In : Colloque Chimie Durable, 29 Septembre, Paris, France, 2023 (inter-équipes)

DHEMAYED M., RANDOUX B., PERRIN Y., CEBALLOS C., FAYEULLE A. Synthesis and evaluation of new vanillin derivatives for crop protection against phytopathogens (VANIFUN). Presented at Colloque InterUT Systèmes sûrs et durables, Paris, France (2023-02-02)

2022 - 5 communications

EL KANTAR S., KOUBAA M. (2022) Pulsed electric field treatment for the stimulation of microorganisms: the food production context. 8th PEF School on Pulsed Electric Field Applications in Food and Biotechnology, 30 May – 3 June 2022, Compiègne, France

HONG J., BOUSSETTA N., ENDERLIN G., MERLIER F., GRIMI N. (2023). Impact of high voltage electrical discharges on the degradation of pesticides in water, École d’été « 8th School on Pulsed Electric Field Application in Food and Biotechnology», 30 Mai – 3 Juin 2022, Université de Technologie de Compiègne. (inter-équipes) (collaboration inter labos – UTC)

MEENAKSHISUNDARAM S., FAYEULLE A., LEONARD E., CEBALLOS C., LIU X., PAUSS A. Improvement of methanization yields of lignocellulosic biomass by coupling fungal and chemical treatments. In: 5th Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY. Leipzig, Allemagne. 13-14 Septembre 2022.

OTAOLA F., POZZOBON V., LUART D., LETURIA M. Méthodologie pour la simulation et l’optimisation de réacteurs structurés (Periodic Open Cell Structured reactors). 5th French/Belgian OpenFOAM® users conference, Lyon, France, 2022.

OTAOLA F., POZZOBON V., LUART D., LETURIA M. Methodology for the development and optimization of Periodic Open Cell Structured reactors. 17th OpenFOAM Workshop (OFW17), Cambridge, Royaume-Uni, 2022.

2021 - 5 communications

GAGNON Y., MHEMDI H., DELBECQ F., VAN HECKE E. Achieving Ultra-Low Interfacial Tension between Vegetable Oils and Water with Conventional Bio-based Surfactants. 18th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo (On-line Meeting) 2021 (inter-équipes)

GAGNON Y., MHEMDI H., DELBECQ F., VAN HECKE E. Characterization of rapeseeds wettability by capillary rise method. 2021 AOCS Annual Meeting (inter-équipes)

GAGNON Y., MHEMDI H., DELBECQ F., VAN HECKE E. Correlation between hydrophilic-lipophilic deviation (HLD) and spontaneous imbibition for oil extraction from rapeseeds. 2021 AOCS Annual Meeting (inter-équipes)

MEENAKSHISUNDARAM S., FAYEULLE A., LEONARD E., CEBALLOS C., PAUSS A. Improvement of methanization yields of lignocellulosic biomass by coupling fungal and chemical treatments. In: 3rd International Conference for Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability, 17-19 May, 2021.

MEENAKSHISUNDARAM S., FAYEULLE A., LEONARD E., CEBALLOS C., PAUSS A. Improvement of methanization yields of lignocellulosic biomass by coupling fungal and chemical treatments. In: Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs 2021 UGéPE-GEPROC. Dunkerque.  25th November 2021

2020 - 1 communication

Otaola F., LUART D., LETURIA M. Additive manufacturing, flow chemistry and multi-physics simulation applied to the development and optimization of microreactors. Intechem Process, 11 février 2020, Compiègne (inter-équipes)

2019 - 1 communication

KHELFA A., KOUBAA M. (2019) « Fractionnement des pellicules de lin et valorisation des extraits en fermentation ». Présentation dans le cadre du projet FRACTILIN (AAP 2018 de la SFR Condorcet) à Reims lors des journées Condorcet les 25 et 26 Juin 2019.

Direction d’ouvrages

2021 - 1 direction d'ouvrage

KOUBAA, M., BARBA, F.J., ROOHINEJAD, S. (2021). Fermentation Processes: Emerging and Conventional Technologies. Fermentation Processes: Emerging and Conventional Technologies,1-226

2019 - 1 direction d'ouvrage

ROOHINEJAD S., KOUBAA M., GREINER R. (2019). Effect of emerging processing methods on the food quality: Advantageous and challenges. Springer nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-18190-1.

Ouvrages scientifiques, chapitres d’ouvrages

2023 - 6 ouvrages scientifiques

DRÉVILLON, L, NEMER, G, MITRI, S, EL KANTAR, S, MAROUN, R.G, LOUKA, N, KOUBAA, M. (2023). Application of high-voltage electrical discharges and other alternative technologies for microbial cell lysis and extraction of biocompounds. Processing of Food Products and Wastes with High Voltage Electrical Discharges,199-222

EL KANTAR, S, PASDAR, N, SHARIFI, A, TAHERKHANI, A, KOUBAA, M. (2023). Application of high-voltage electrical discharges for the extraction of valuable compounds from by-products of citrus and exotic fruits. Processing of Food Products and Wastes with High Voltage Electrical Discharges,153-172

GHARIBZAHEDI, S.M.T, EL KANTAR, S, PASDAR, N, ALTINTAS, Z, KOUBAA, M. (2023). Emerging technologies for processing of plant proteins. Processing Technologies and Food Protein Digestion,175-208

LEONARD E., GUÉNIN E., Chapter: Functional Nanomaterials for Health and Environmental Issues. in “Functional Nanomaterials for Sensors” Edited By Suresh Sagadevan, Won-Chun Oh, Taylor & Francis 2023

OTAOLA F., DE LARTIGUES C., FITZPATRIC V., LUART D., LETURIA M., GUÉNIN E. & EGLES C. Chapter: Additive Manufacturing of Biomaterials., in “Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering” Edited by O. Gunduz, C. Egles, R. Perez, D. Ficai, C. B. Ustundag, Springer Nature 2023  pp. 331-355.

PASDAR, N, BARBA, F.J, KOUBAA, M, GREINER, R, ROOHINEJAD, S. (2023). Processing of seaweeds in industrial food application. Applications of Seaweeds in Food and Nutrition,205-214

2022 - 5 ouvrages scientifiques

AL DACCACHE, M, KOUBAA, M, LOUKA, N, MAROUN, R.G, VOROBIEV, E, RAJHA, H.N. (2022). Separation, purification, analyses, and preservation of polyphenols. Technologies to Recover Polyphenols from AgroFood By-products and Wastes,247-270

Léonard E, JEUX V. Illuminating metal oxides containing luminescent probes for personalized medicine 2022. Metal Oxides for Optoelectronics and Optics-Based Medical Applications. 339 – 3951 January 2022 doi : 10.1016/B978-0-323-85824-3.00015-4, ISBN 978-032385824-3, 978-032385825-0

Meenakshisundaram S., Léonard E., Ceballos C., FAYEULLE A. Lignin Fungal Depolymerization: From Substrate Characterization to Oligomers Valorization. In: Deshmukh, S.K., Deshpande, M.V., Sridhar, K.R. (eds) Fungal Biopolymers and Biocomposites. Springer, Singapore, 2022.

PENG, K, BALS, O, VOROBIEV, E, KOUBAA, M. (2022). Ultrasound Technology in Food Processing: Technology, Mechanisms and Applications. Novel Technologies in Food Science,307-331

ZHANG Z., NEGUI M., JEUX V., Chapter 7 Applications of lignin in energy conversion: solar cells, fuel cells and photocatalysis. in « Nanomaterials from Renewable Resources for Emerging Applications » Editor S. S Ahankari, Taylor & Francis 2022. DOI: 10.1201/9781003245261-7

2021 - 5 ouvrages scientifiques

IRANI M., RAFATI A., HASHEMI S.-S., BARBA F.J., KOUBAA M., ROOHINEJAD S. (2021). Biomass fractionation using emerging technologies. Dans « Fermentation processes: Emerging and conventional technologies ». John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp: 145-169.

KOUBAA M. (2021). Introduction to conventional fermentation processes. Dans « Fermentation processes: Emerging and conventional technologies ». John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp: 1-21.

KOUBAA M., ROOHINEJAD S., BARBA F.J. (2021) : « Fermentation processes: Emerging and conventional technologies ». John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 9781119505853

KOUBAA, M., BARBA, F.J., ROOHINEJAD, S. (2021). Preface. Fermentation Processes: Emerging and Conventional Technologies,xiv-xiv ISBN 978-111950582-2, 978-111950585-3

NIAKOUSARI M., RAZMJOOEI M., NEJADMANSOURI M., BARBA F.J., MARSZAŁEK K., KOUBAA M. (2021). Current developments in industrial fermentation processes. In « Fermentation processes: Emerging and conventional technologies ». John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp: 23-96.

2020 - 2 ouvrages scientifiques

KOUBAA M., KHELFA A. (2020). Emerging extraction technologies of steviol glucosides from Stevia rebaudiana bertoni. Dans « Steviol glycosides ». Elsevier. pp: 201-220.

SMETANA, S, MHEMDI, H, MEZDOUR, S, HEINZ, V. (2020). Pulsed electric field-treated insects and algae as future food ingredients. Pulsed Electric Fields to Obtain Healthier and Sustainable Food for Tomorrow,247-266

2019 - 1 ouvrage scientifique

MHEMDI, H., VOROBIEV, E. (2019). Gas-assisted oil expression from oilseeds. Green Food Processing Techniques: Preservation, Transformation and Extraction,315-333

2018 - 14 ouvrages scientifiques

ALEXANDRE E.M.C., INACIO R.S., RIBEIRO A.C., LEMOS Á., PEREIRA S., CASTRO S.M., TEIXEIRA M.P., GOMES A.M.P., BARBA F.J., KOUBAA M., ROOHINEJAD S., SARAIVA J. (2018). Effect of commercial emerging nonthermal technologies on food products: microbiological aspects. Dans « Food Safety and Protection » CRC Press. pp: 397-427.

DELBECQ F., LEN C., Application of heck alkenylation reaction in modified nucleoside synthesis. In: Palladium-Catalyzed Modification of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides, 2018, Pages 147-166

KOUBAA, M, BARBA, F.J, BURSAĆ KOVAČEVIĆ, D, PUTNIK, P, SANTOS, M.D, QUEIRÓS, R.P, MOREIRA, S.A, INÁCIO, R.S, FIDALGO, L.G, SARAIVA, J.A. (2018). Pulsed Electric Field Processing of Fruit Juices. Fruit Juices: Extraction, Composition, Quality and Analysis,437-449

KOUBAA, M, DELBECQ F., ROOHINEJAD, S, MALLIKARJUNAN, K. (2018). Gamma-aminobutyric acid. Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry,528-534 (inter-équipes)

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2022 - 1 brevet

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2021 - 1 brevet

GUENIN E., SALEH K., LETURIA M., BENALI M., LENGLET L., Procédé de détermination de la distribution du temps de séjour dans un réacteur hétérogène fluides solides. (Brevet déposé le 07/01/2021), numéro d’enregistrement FR2100141 (inter-équipes)